Affordable Housing Resources

Information on Affordable Housing in Rhode Island, East Providence
and within the Waterfront District
East Providence Waterfront District Affordable/ Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (Sec 19-485)
Developers of new market rate single- and/or multi-family housing developments within the Waterfront District are required to provide affordable housing units for low- and moderate-income households in order to ensure safe, decent and affordable housing to families, elderly and people with special needs.
- Find out more about how RI Housing can assist developers to facilitate the production of new homes and preserve the housing we have.
Nonprofit housing assistance partners in Rhode Island:
Blackstone Valley Community Action Program 32 Goff Avenue Pawtucket, RI 02860 401-723-4520 |
NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley 719 Front Street Suite 103 Woonsocket, RI 02895 401-762-0993 |
ONE Neighborhood Builders 66 Chaffee Street Providence RI 02909 401-351-8719 |
OMNI Development Corporation 810 Eddy Street Providence, RI 02905 401-461-4442 |
Women’s Development Corporation 861 Broad Street Providence, RI 02907 401-941-2900 |
SWAP, Inc. 439 Pine Street Providence, RI 02907 401-272-0526 |
Pawtucket Central Falls Development (PCF Development) 204 Broad Street Pawtucket, RI 02860 401-726-1173 |
West Elmwood Housing Development Corporation 224 Dexter Street Providence, RI 02907 401-453-3220 |
House of Hope CDC 3188 Post Road Warwick, RI 02888 401-463-3324 |
Providence Revolving Fund 372 Fountain Street Providence, RI 02903 401-272-2760 |
Smith Hill CDC 231 Douglas Avenue Providence, RI 02908 401-521-0159 |
Washington County CDC 400 Tower Hill Road North Kingstown, RI 02852 401-667-7185 |
Church Community Housing Corporation 50 Washington Square Newport, RI 02840 401-846-5114 |
South County Habitat for Humanity 1555 Shannock Road P.O. Box 68 Shannock, RI 02875 401-213-6711 |